Welcome to SteveChaconas.com       

                This site is a virtual exhibit of impressionist paintings created by Steve Chaconas (1915-2000).  Strongly influenced by the French Impressionists, especially Cézanne, Steve left over 300 works ranging from watercolor to pencil.  His Greek-American background is prevalent throughout, as Steve found his inspiration in the windmills, monasteries and countryside of Greece

                Painting became more than a hobby for Steve, after an automobile accident in 1994 left him a quadriplegic.  He used his innate abilities to transcend his limitations and regain the use of his hands.  Painting was more than just occupational therapy, however.  It allowed him the freedom to express himself in form and color. 

                We have included about 125 works of art on this site.  Soon we will be offering for sale limited edition reproductions of many of Steve’s favorite works.  If you would like to get on our mailing list, please email us at sales@stevechaconas.com and let us know your impressions of this site and, especially, these paintings. 

                On this site we hope you will enjoy learning not just about the works of this American Artist, but of his life and times. Steve Chaconas passed away in November of 2000 leaving over 300 works which you have the opportunity to enjoy on this site.  

                Take some time reading about the life and times of Steve in the ABOUT section, then click on the GALLERY link to view these works. If you are interested in seeing these works in person, check the EVENTS section for upcoming exhibits and sales.

Students and art lovers, we have compiled useful information and links for your use in the RESOURCE area.



info@stevechaconas.com    |   http://stevechaconas.com
This site was built by:
Image Sculptor, Inc.